Subject: What's Hacking VAX Special - 7

Sent: 3/1/90 at 3:00 pm



Occasionally you will run across a BIG directory. This will

hopefully not happen until you read more on VAX on my WHAT'S

HACKING sub boards, but if it does, this list will hopefully help

you avoid making too big a mistake or wasting a lot of time.

ADA Ada compiler source code file

BAS BASIC compiler source code file

B32 BLISS-32 compiler source code file

C C compiler source code file

COB COBAL compiler source code file

FOR FORTRAN compiler source code file

MAR MACRO compiler source code file

PAS Pascal compiler source code file

PLI PL/I compiler source code file

CLD DCL command description file

COM DCL batch or command procedure file

DAT Data file

DIS Distribution file (as in mail)

DIR Directory file (as in a subdirectory)

EDT Command file for the EDT editing program

EXE Executable program

HLP Text for help libraries

JOU EDT editor journal when problems occur

LIS System listing file (as in TYPE, PRINT, & PHOTO)

LOG Batch job output file

MAI Mail message file

MEM DSR output file

OBJ Object code created by compiler before LINKing

RNO Source file for DSR

SIXEL Files for Sixel graphics

SYS System image file

TJL Journal created when the unusual occurs (DECNET a lot)

TMP Temporary file (sometimes valuable)

TPU Editor command file

TXT Text library input file (also MAIL output file)


I will comment extensively on UAF files if I decide to type up

another VAX tutorial.

